Pedagogical employee -child ratio

The number of professionals at Bambini is determined on the basis of the maximum number of children applicable to the age categories present.

Pedagogical employee -child ratio (P-Kr)

The number of professionals at Bambini is determined on the basis of the maximum number of children applicable to the age categories present. We use for the determination.

Each daycare center has a permanent team of employees. At least two pedagogical staff persons (pw) work on each group every day. Depending on the number of children, this number may be different. In total, the number of pw’ in most groups consists of three or four pw working on fixed days. Our schedule is arranged in such a way that there are enough qualified employees per day based on the number of children.

The location manager leads the employees of a branch, and is responsible for the implementation and realization of the tactical and operational policy and internal business operations.


All professionals have a professional qualification appropriate to the work in accordance with the legal collective branch agreement (C.A.O. childcare).
They are also in possession of a valid Certificate of Conduct (VOG) issued in accordance with the law on Legal Documents, from the moment they start working with us. The latter requirement also applies to any interns and the management team.

Deployment and guidance of other adults, interns and assistants

Childcare Bambini is recognized as a learning company, which means that interns also work at the daycare centers. Interns are used on top of the required number of regular pw,
We make use of a professional cleaning company to clean the premises (cleaning is done in the evenings) and the maintenance and repairs are carried out under the direction of our trusted technical manager, who is also in possession of a VOG.


We work with a group of regular substitutes. During a holiday or illness of an employee, we can make use of them.

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